Raspberry Pi Configuration Notes

Create an Image for rpi

  1. use disk management to remove any partitions on the target sd card
  2. Format SD Card
    • File Systeme Type: FAT32
    • Allocation unit size: default allocation size
    • Quick Format: ✓
  3. Download and install Raspberry Pi Imager
  4. Click on gear for advanced options and configure the following:
    • Set host name
    • enable ssh
      • Use password authentication
    • set username and password
    • configure wireless lan
      • SSID:
      • Password
    • Wireless LAN country
    • Enable Set local settings
      • Timeszone: New York
      • Keyboard Layout: US
    • Imager advanced settings screenshot
  5. Allow imager to create and verify image
  6. insert SD card into rpi and power on

rPi Initial Configuration

  1. Open an ssh connection to rpi using the credentials you configured with Imager

     ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
  2. Update the default settings usinig the raspi-congir utility

     sudo raspi-config
    • Expand file system (In Advanced options)
    • Interface Options
      • Enable IC2
      • Enable SPI
      • Enable Gpio remote Access
    • Reboot the device

Update Software

  1. Update the package library to the latest and install any patches

     sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
  2. Install Py dev tools to work with gpio pins

     sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-pigpio python3-setuptools python3-dev python3-rpi.gpio python3-pil i2c-tools -y

Optional Software

These are optional modules that can be configured on device as needed.

Control OLED screen

sudo /usr/bin/pip3 install smbus
sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-ssd1306

Meshtastic Setup

pip3 install meshtastic

Sense Hat Setup

sudo apt-get install sense-hat -y
Written by

Gene Wright

When I'm not tanning in the glow of my monitor, I'm outdoors. Running, hiking, MTB, camping, and swimming are my favorites,